Friday, January 16, 2009

Ashley Greene and her revelations

Alice is one of my favorite characters in Twilight. I mean, who doesn't like her? She sees the future and has been on Bella's side from the start.

But her alter ego Ashely Greene is another interesting character altogether. She's a shining star to herself even out of the Alice character. And it looks like she has everyone hanging on her every word. Look how she started a tsunami when she made one tiny comment about Vannessa Hudgens being a good fit for the role of Leah Clearwater. People (particularly at went as far as
interpret her "I think she'd be great" comment as a sort of confirmation of rumors that the HSM starlet auditioned for the she-wolf role.

And now this buzz about Robert Pattinson getting into trouble with Twilight producers for getting rid of his vampire locks. Everyone's talking about it, and they're all quoting Ashley! I too was intrigued by Rob's daring move last December--and even talked about it here and in a public chat--because I knew the trademark hair was supposed to be in his contract. I mean, I didn't think Rob was the type who would keep what looked like a high-maintenance hairstyle, unless he was sort of forced to. I suspected, as I suppose every Twilight watcher did, that there was official furor in the background, but no one said anything about it. Until Ashley gaffed, and now it's all over the place.

I just love Ashley. I think she's the girl every reporter should talk to. You could never guess what jewels would emerge from those vampy lips. I wonder if the things she told reporters got her into trouble as well. Now that's something JJJ should ask her.

An aside on the Hudgens affair: The unnamed source at Summit who was quoted by Access Hollywood--where all the speculation about Vannessa Hudgens' supposed Twilight designs started--remained unnamed, but the confusion spread like the proverbial wildfire. Melissa Rosenberg herself was pushed into revealing that she hasn't written Leah into New Moon yet, which made sense as Leah didn't have much page space in the Twilight saga until Eclipse. But the rumors persisted, especially since New Moon and Eclipse will apparently be shot back-to-back. The Hudgens camp thought they had to put the rumors to rest, and told that the actress has not auditioned for New Moon. But this doesn't say anything about Eclipse, right? Both Twilight installments are supposed to be cast simultaneously, if they are indeed being filmed back-to-back. Oh well, by now it should be obvious that I am not a VH fan, and I hope I don't see any pre-Twilight big-name actor in the movie adaptations ever.

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