Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Twilight Christmas

Here's one hilarious spoof of Twilight I found on YouTube. I don't know how to embed an HD video here, so in case it doesn't come out right here's the link. Merry Christmas everyone!

Speaking of spoofs...

Back when Keannu Reeves was hot and cyberpunk was cool, I was also a big fan of The Matrix. This was in 1999. I was in government service, wasn't dating, and had never heard of blogging. But I stalked some of the busiest discussion boards online and engaged other fans in blue pill vs. red pill debates, and mulled over Neo as the virtual Messiah.

So when MTV spoofed Matrix Reloaded in 2003, with Justin Timberlake, that Stiffler character from American Pie, and Will Ferrell as The Engineer, I found it so hilarious that I instantly became a fan of Justin the comic actor. While I also later fell in love with the Jack Black parodies, I still think the one of Matrix was the best, simply because I was a huge Matrix fan since the first installment came out.

1 comment:

  1. It is indeed hilarious!
    I also am a fan of JT... He's very talented. Here's one of my favorite spoof that I like starring him and Beyonce c",)
    Here's the link:
