Monday, December 1, 2008

So where is Forks?

Yes, the place does exist.  It's in Washington State. It's at the center of the Olympic Peninsula, bordered by the Olympic mountains and the Pacific Ocean. The Forks Chamber of Commerce Website has stunning photos of natural attractions in the city. As an avid birder, I'm especially impressed by the avian life there--there is a photo of a Bald Eagle at La Push! But for sure the city now has more to offer tourists than just a walk in the woods, or picnics by the waterfalls. I can only imagine the spike in tourist arrivals there after Twilight.

Which is kind of ironic because most of the movie was actually filmed in Oregon--St. Helens, Columbia Gorge and Silver Falls State Park. St. Helens was where the Forks scenes were shot, and I presume the forest shots were taken at Silver Falls. Now that's the place I want to visit someday. The Oregon Parks and Recreational Department Website even has a downloadable birdlist! 


  1. There's already a Stephanie Meyer Day at Forks! September 13--the birthday of Bella hehehe

  2. I wish to get there some day... (sigh)
