Sunday, December 21, 2008

From Twilight Up to Breaking Dawn: What's your favorite series?

I was hanging out at my friend's house discussing whatever comes into our minds as we wait for our other girlfriends to start our Christmas get together. I saw in her table the 2nd book of the Twilight saga--New Moon. Yeah we moved from one chit chat into the Twilight chit chat ;)

Anyway, I told her that I also watched the Twilight movie and already looking forward to New Moon for 2009. I'm still disappointed in the looks of that Jacob Black actor and wondering how he will be able to make himself "drool-able" in the film like Edward hehehe. My friend told me he looks good if he has short hair (which is true but still not hot enough for me).

Although I graded the first film OK, being the Twilight virgin that I friend who has more of a romantic bone than me and who read the book before it even began a sensation, wasn't dazzled just like Ate Tin. Then we moved on to our favorite book of the Twilight Saga. I said Twilight (only because it's the only book I've read so far and make that an e-book) and New Moon (only because it's going to be released on November 2009 and I'm now researching on the story hehehe).
Damn! The Twilight Saga sells more than cheeseburger at McDo that it can now own McDonald's qoute: "Billions and billions served!"
Paging Powerbooks: I'm still waiting for your text and e-mail of my pre-order!

So my friend told me that she heard Eclipse is one of the best book out of the four; but I still chose Twilight and most probably Breaking Dawn.
Why? Because I believe every heart-stopping love story has a beginning - in which case it was in Twilight that Bella and Edward fell in love. And every heartwarming love story has a beautiful ending as well as a new beginning as of course I'm pretty sure is in Breaking Dawn.

So my dearest.... what's your favorite book of the Twlight Saga?

1 comment:

  1. It's Twilight for me... because I love the bittersweet stage of meeting someone you like and you're not sure he likes you back, then the exhilaration of finding out that he does! These are the most memorable part of any relationship, at least for me--the first look, the first hello, the first hand lock, the first kiss!
