Monday, December 1, 2008

Guys Decoded: Why they Bash Twilight

I haven't interviewed any guy friends yet about this, but seeing that Ate Tin's husband watched the movie out of curiosity, I've decided to write down some of the reasons why guys are bashing Twilight! (You can share your thoughts on why you think guys dislike twilight)

I'd like to thank all the men who made an effort in watching the movie with their wives, girlfriends, family and friends. Also to those who watched it alone! (Just like Kuya Arnel did).

Twilight bashing - particularly by guys are uncool. It's most definitely uncool when they do it just for fun to irk the ladies. I'd take negative criticisms if and only if they read the book. BUT DID THEY?!
  1. Guys who can't take anything about Twilight is not in touch with their feminine side, they're all macho and egoistic (this makes the BearHugs one liner true: "Men are not pigs, Pigs are sensitive and gentle creatures")
  2. They are insecure on the fact that vampires are dangerously handsome, godlike features, almost perfect. Something that the Twilight story has definitely proved. Some men are insecure that there's this guy named Edward and all the ladies are in love with him.
  3. In denial -- They deny the fact that they are interested in learning lines and moves from Edward to capture a woman's heart not matter how cheesy it is. Or maybe, they're hiding from their cape, a defense mechanism to show their true color -- green (if you know what I mean ;)
  4. Jealousy - Twilight is a fiction and will remain that way. Though it captured many hearts, doesn't mean that it will make you less manly or that the love of your life will leave you for a vampire.
  5. One liners - This is my favorite! There's no hiding the fact that Edward is definitely the king of it all. Maybe some guys are frustrated on the fact that these one liners from a fictional character can melt a woman's heart that they cannot even compete with hehehe. If Casanova is alive right now, he would either be bashing Twilight or learning and appreciating and reading and watching the movie.

    Here are some of Edward's one liners that took my breath away some of it is actually corny, but hey it worked... Enjoy! c",)
    • “My sister can see the future. Let me give you a clue, it’s Me + You.”
    • “I’m an addict. Will you be my heroin?”
    • Your number was up the first time I met you.
    • We’re usually very good at what we do. Sometimes we make mistakes. Me, for example, allowing myself to be alone with you.
    • It’s too easy to be myself with you.

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